The challenges and remedies of silent resignation

Silent resignation is a phenomenon that is being popularized in the summer of 2022 thanks to social networks and especially post-pandemic.

This incident was explained by the behavior of an employee who tends to invest less in his or her work, and not to do more than is written in the job description.

According to several studies, silent resignation is the wake-up call to definitive resignation.

In this article, we’ll look at the issues surrounding “quiet quitting” and the solutions we can propose to retain employees.

1- The stakes of silent resignation

  • A disengaged employee means that he or she is no longer enthusiastic or invested in the tasks at hand. Hence, engagement is a major concept in the working relationship, as it provides the fuel for the company’s sustainable development.
  • An employee refusing to resign: despite no longer being interested in the position, the employee prefers not to resign for security reasons and to avoid a lot of stress.
  Managers play a key role in re-engaging staff and countering silent resignation. What actions should be taken and what values should be instilled in the company?

2- How can we solve the problem of silent resignation?

a- Corporate values

He has values to instill in the company’s culture that are essential to motivating your employees and getting them more involved in their missions.
  • Support: opt for loyalty interviews and frequent exchanges with your employees, not to assess performance but to discover their needs and expectations.
  • Fairness: establishing the value of fairness is an essential condition for commitment at work. An employee who feels unfairly treated in relation to his or her colleagues can never be involved and give back to the company.
  • Mission and vision: everycompany needs to clearly explain its mission and vision, as well as the meaning and tasks required of each employee.
  • Well-being: foster a culture that respects the balance between the employee’s professional and private life, because an employee exhausted by work can never deliver results. Hence the need to give employees more flexibility to carry out their professional tasks.
In addition to these values, there are certain actions to be taken by the employer.

b- Actions to be taken:

  • Recognize employees’ experiences: the best way to counter silent resignation is to recognize what your employees are going through and find solutions to increase their motivation and understand their needs.
  • Ask your team what kind of support they need: through a variety of methods, from one-to-one surveys for small companies to anonymous surveys for large corporations, employers can discover their employees’ needs and provide them with a sense of support.
  • Be grateful for extra effort: employers must show their employees that they respect their working hours, and any extra time worked must be clarified and appreciated. Employees should not be asked to work outside working hours!
  • Rewarding employee commitment: there are many ways of rewarding employees for their commitment and motivation, whether through bonuses, extra days off, thanking someone in front of the rest of the team…etc. All these techniques can have a major influence on job satisfaction.
In our article, we discussed the issues and actions to consider in order to avoid the phenomenon of silent resignation.

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